Fitness Fail?

Well last week I have to say I pretty much failed in the fitness department. Due to the husband being away and the youngest playing up at bedtime I have had barely no time to go to the gym or even do a home workout which I tend to do if he is away – but not this week!

Last Monday he left for Kentucky and that is where my week went downhill, usually it’s not an issue and I cope very well on my own whilst working and looking after two kids whilst fitting in a Fitness Blender workout in an evening, but not this week. After the youngest having croup and generally going through the start of the terrible 2 stage she just does not want to go to bed. Monday night resulted in her falling asleep at 10.30pm which left me thinking I’ll have a handful of those peanut M&M’s that are in the cupboard – I ate the full share bag (approx. 912 calories) to myself! Tuesday wasn’t much different, bedtime was earlier but than I had 5, yes FIVE, chocolate digestives (430 calories).

The most frustrating part of these two days? I actually had a really good overall diet with plenty of protein, vegetables and healthy fats but the lack of sleep and wind down time just worked against my willpower.

Wednesday is where change came about and I vowed to go to the gym for an hour before picking the girls up from school and nursery. I’m so glad I did as it made me feel so much better and in control. Before I hit the gym I also made some homemade Banana & Peanut Butter protein ice cream so I had that as my go to sweet if I feel off the wagon. Overall a good day – I only had one chocolate digestive and the toddler went to sleep around 9pm!

Thursday I met a friend for lunch and had the most amazing Afternoon Tea but that included cakes, scones and a whole matter of naught treats.

Friday again met a friend for lunch, the choice of mushroom soup wasn’t too bad but the courgette and lime cake was – even though it was delicious – not quite as delicious as my own though! I did however make it to my LBT class that night and managed to squeeze a little bit of time on the cross trainer beforehand so at least some exercise.

The weekend was a non event, although generally I ate pretty well although I had 3 glasses of wine on Saturday evening. I did however managed to resist when family members where trying to offer biscuits so go me!

I did however wear my Proskins all week to bed, so at least I was getting a hidden workout and they went some way to proving my stats which show I lost 0.6kg (1.3lbs) over the last week and my measurements have reduced. However when I have a week like the above I worry that I am in fact losing muscle and not fat, which is not what I want to do.

So this week I’m back in the game….

  • LBT Class tonight and then I am gonna do some lifting – regardless of whether the Ibiza Bod Boys are in the room (I can probably lift heavier anyway)!
  • Yoga and Power Hoop on Wednesday
  • Walking and LBT Class on Friday, plus some lifting if I can fit it in!
  • In and amongst all that I am going to try and use some of the workout gear I got from my Fab Fitness Haul last week whilst at home!
  • Wear Proskins all week taking Week 3 Measurements on Friday
  • AND to top it all off improve the diet further!! Online food shop is to be delivered today with meals planned out for the week!

Let’s think positive…

Countdown to 30